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The desire to not just preach the Word but to do "the stuff" of the Word was put in the hearts of a bunch of men and women long before most of us came to the Queen Creek, San Tan Valley and Florence areas.  But, there is no doubt about it - the churches in our South East Valley have a heart to work together and be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the People we are serving.


Somewhere along the way the pastors of the area sat down with the Mayor of Queen Creek and asked what they could do to help.  He said, please put a list of services together that will help people in the community.  This is a result of that.


The goals of the local churches,  God's leading and the desires of the local government has manifested itself in food pantries, cloth banks, pregnancy centers, free coffee shops run by volunteers, community centers with free guitar, art classes, reading classes and Zumba.  In our valley we have tried to serve people through fudge shops, coffee shops, park fun days, free car washes, free dental care, family drive in movie nights, vacation bible schools, addiction support recovery for people who want to be free of porn, alcohol, drugs, and gambling.


The Outreach is always naturally super-natural, no hype, lots of fun, full of the Love of God, and with no strings attached.  There is often prayer and sharing of testimonies - but we stand with St. Francis who purportedly said, "Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words."


We welcome all people to serve.  Believers.  Non-Believers.  People who need community service hours because of mistakes in the past.  Each outreach has a different requirement to make sure all people are safe - but we can assuredly find you a place to serve.



This is an index of resources in the Queen Creek, San Tan Valley and Florence neighborhoods.  It is not intended to endorse a particular church nor is it endorsed by any of the organizations listed in the website.  Not all services take volunteers but several of them do.  Call for each oppotunity to see if there are service and volunteering opportunities available.  Also, there are some requirements for receiving certain services, please ask before hand.

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